fire extinguishing chemical powder based on sodium bicarbonate - Class BC
Portable dry chemical extinguisher 4 kg: extinguishing capacity 20-B: C
Reference: PRO 1240-04
Chemical powder portable fire extinguisher 6 kg: extinguishing capacity 20-B: C
Reference: PRO 1240-06
Portable extinguisher powder 8 kg: extinguishing capacity 40-B: C
Reference: PRO 1240-08
Portable extinguisher powder 12 kg: extinguishing capacity 40-B: C
Reference: PRO 1240-12
Extinguisher the carbon-based - Class BC
Carbon dioxide portable extinguisher 4 kg: extinguishing capability 5-B: C
Reference: PRO 1241-04
Extinguisher the carbon-based - Class BC
Carbon dioxide portable extinguisher 4 kg: extinguishing capability 5-B: C
Reference: PRO 1241-04
Portable fire extinguisher carbon dioxide 6 kg: extinguishing capability 5-B: C
Reference: PRO 1241-06
Portable fire extinguisher carbon dioxide 6 kg: extinguishing capability 5-B: C
Reference: PRO 1241-06
extinguisher water based - Class A
Portable fire extinguisher pressurized water 10 liters: extinguishing capacity 2a
Reference: PRO 1242-10
Extinguisher the chemical base of monoammonium phosphate - Class ABC
Portable dry chemical extinguisher 4 kg: 2a extinguishing capability: 20-BC
Reference: PRO 1243-04
Portable fire extinguisher 6 kg powder: extinguishing capability 3-A: 20-BC
Reference: PRO 1243-06
Portable extinguisher 8kg powder: extinguishing capacity 4-A: 40-BC
Reference: PRO 1243-08
Portable extinguisher 8kg powder: extinguishing capacity 4-A: 40-BC
Reference: PRO 1243-08
Portable fire extinguisher of 12 kg powder: extinguishing capability 6-A: 40-BC
Reference: PRO 1243-12
valid for 5 years automotive use, fire extinguishers 1kg automotive use / ride vehicle-car THE THREE MODELS Bujudinho / Fiat, Model Universal and also the third model and the Escort, and also the 2 kgs truck cab with two extinguishing agent hypotheses, 1 = valid for five years and hypothesis 2 = 12 months recharge.
“If I made valuable discoveries, but was to have patience than any other talent.” - Isaac Newton